Questions Parents Ask

Is the program right for my son or daughter?

If your son or daughter has been treated for substance abuse and addiction, is actively in recovery and living a substance-free lifestyle then the program may be for them. Have your son or daughter apply and we can help your family decide if our program works for their situation.

What is addiction?

According to the American Psychological Association, "Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence." People with the disease have an intense focus on substances and pursue them despite increasing negative consequences. Left untreated, the disease will get progressively worse.

What does it mean to be in "recovery"?

Recovery happens when the disease has been diagnosed and treated and the individual commits to a plan and process to abstain from substances and create a wellness plan to stay healthy.

How do I know the difference if my son or daughter is addicted or just being a partier?

Addiction is characterized by a compulsive desire to seek out drugs and alcohol, no matter the consequence. For someone who is genetically predisposed to addiction, their brain is likely being "rewired" as more substances are being used during the time the brain is developing. This portal has education and content that will help you decide if you have the disease or are on a path to develop it.

What are the benefits of being in the program?

Students report that one of the key benefits is being connected to a community of other students who are committed to a substance-free and healthy lifestyle. Our program helps create the support needed to maintain that healthy lifestyle while pursuing academic success and being positioned for a meaningful career once you graduate. Students in the program have higher GPA and graduation rates.

What would be expected of my son or daughter if they join?

Our program is structured to make sure your child succeed. We require that they abstain from substances, attend meetings and groups that promote recovery, meet with assigned counselors, focus on their education and ask for help when needed.

What does the program cost?

There are no costs to join the program and participate. Our program is entirely funded by contributions from our college, sponsorships, grants, and donations.

What does my son or daughter need to do to apply?

Your child will fill out an application and we''ll take a look. The application will ask about their background, prior drug use, any treatment your child has received, prior education, and other information that helps us know if your son or daughter is right for the program and how to best support them if they join.

What if my son or daughter is not quite ready to join?

That's OK. They can join the portal as a member, get access to our education and content, and connect with us in any way they want. Students are welcome to attend meetings or meet with any of our staff.